Glaucoma manifests as a progressive optic neuropathy marked by characteristic structural alterations in the optic nerve head (ONH) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), including loss of axons and subsequent functional loss within the visual field (VF).
1 While functional tests such as VF perimetry have traditionally served as the cornerstone for assessing glaucoma progression, measurement of the structural changes remains key due to better repeatability, objectivity, and quicker acquisition time. Optical coherence tomography (OCT), a widely used tool, is used to monitor glaucomatous changes such as alterations in RNFL thickness (RNFLT), contributing crucial insights into the structural aspect of glaucoma. Indeed, RNFLT has been demonstrated to be directly related to the number of retinal ganglion cell axons that remain.
As the ONH region occupies a pivotal role in glaucoma pathogenesis, measurements taken of the neuroretinal rim such as the minimum rim width (MRW) may provide a more sensitive indicator of early glaucomatous changes. While RNFLT quantifies nerve tissue thickness in the peripapillary region, MRW represents the minimum thickness of nerve tissue surrounding the opening of Bruch's membrane (BMO), averaged around the optic disc (also known as BMO-MRW).
Elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), characteristic of glaucoma, can induce significant changes at the ONH, both a short-term increase in cupping due to the ONH being mechanically displaced posteriorly, and longer-term tissue remodeling, which could enhance the ONH's resistance to increased IOP.
5 Increased cupping exerts a mechanical influence on the axons, which may result in a reduction of MRW.
6 Importantly, RNFLT measurement occurs sufficiently outside the cup (typically along a 6° radius circle centered on the BMO centroid), minimizing its susceptibility to these mechanical effects.
7,8 This is postulated to be the reason why MRW tends to exhibit greater variability than RNFLT when IOP fluctuates.
9–11 In this context, the reduction in MRW due to increased cupping may potentially precede and predict actual axon loss and, therefore, RNFL thinning. Notably, in a nonhuman primate experimental glaucoma model, changes in MRW precede the onset of RNFLT change.
12 MRW has also been reported to show earlier detectable change than RNFLT in early-stage glaucoma,
3 and the rate of change of MRW has been found to be consistently greater than RNFLT in patients with early normal-tension glaucoma (NTG).
13 However, Shi et al.
14 reported that RNFLT is more likely than MRW to reveal a declining trend over time in patients with central or moderate-to-advanced glaucomatous damage. The potential time lag between MRW and RNFLT alterations underscores the complexity of glaucomatous progression and highlights the need for comprehensive assessments that consider the distinct dynamics of these parameters.
This study investigates whether the rates of change in MRW are associated with and can potentially predict corresponding alterations in RNFLT, situated further away from the critical ONH region, within the context of human glaucoma. Our primary objective is to use structured equation modeling (SEM) to dissect the temporal dynamics of these measures. By rigorously assessing the temporal relationship between MRW and RNFLT changes, we seek to determine the presence or absence of any clinically significant time lag between the two (i.e., greater than six months to ensure it is useful for clinical diagnostics purposes). Such a finding holds implications for our comprehension of glaucoma progression and stands to inform future developments in glaucoma testing.