In this study, we quantified the NPA in the SVC (including nerve fiber layer plexus and ganglion cell layer plexus), ICP, and DCP in en face widefield OCTA images. We first applied a guided bidirectional graph search algorithm
20 to segment retinal layer boundaries. This improved the accuracy of retinal layer segmentation by introducing a bidirectional graph search and path-merging algorithms.
20 Then, we generated the SVC, ICP, and DCP en face images by a maximum projection method
21 to calculate the maximum value along the A-line of OCT data within the relevant slabs.
3 To reduce the influence of noise on NPA quantification, we applied a deep learning-based retinal capillary reconstruction algorithm previously developed by our group; this algorithm can eliminate the noise and enhance the vasculature signal in OCTA data.
22 The reconstructed angiograms were fused with the original images by pixel-wise averaging to reduce the noise of the vascular plexus. Widefield OCTA en face images were generated by montaging the scans from three regions: central macula, temporal region, and optic disc.
23 The montage algorithm is based on the structural similarity quantified by the Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) descriptor.
24 Temporal to the macula, the ICP and DCP merge into a single layer,
25 which creates a dilemma: Should this region be displayed as the ICP or the DCP? We chose to include this region in the DCP only to avoid duplicating the same data in both layers. This means that the temporal region lacks ICP images. We removed the projection artifacts from the deeper layers using a previously reported algorithm, which uses OCT reflectance to enhance the OCTA signal and suppress the projection artifacts.
26 To help detect shadow artifacts that can cause localized decreased flow signal affecting NPA segmentation, we also generated the OCT reflectance en face images and inner retinal thickness maps, as in our previous work.
17,27 The reflectance en face image was projected from the target slabs from OCT data using a mean projection method. The inner retinal thickness map (from the inner limiting membrane to the outer plexiform layer) for each scan was calculated using the retinal layer boundary segmentation results. The thickness map and the OCT image were registered using the same transformations as the OCTA data.