To determine the minimal clinically important difference (MCID) for contact lens (CL)–related subjective responses and explore whether MCID values differ between subjective responses and study designs.
This was a retrospective analysis of data from seven one-week bilateral crossover studies and 14 one-day contralateral CL studies. For comfort, dryness, vision, or ease of insertion, participants rated on a 0–100 visual analogue scale (VAS) and indicated lens preference on a five-point Likert scale featuring strong, slight, and no preferences. For each criterion, four MCID estimates were calculated and averaged: mean VAS score difference for “slight preference,” lower limit of 95% confidence interval VAS score difference for “slight preference,” difference in mean VAS score difference between “slight” and “no preference” and 0.5 standard deviation of VAS scores.
The four calculation methods generated a small range of MCID values. For bilateral studies, the averaged MCID was 7.2 (range 5.4–8.8) for comfort, 8.1 (5.2–10.6) for dryness, 7.1 (5.5–9.3) for vision and 7.6 (6.0–10.5) for ease of insertion. For contralateral studies, the averaged MCID was 6.9 (6.1–7.6) for comfort at insertion and 7.5 (6.8–8.2) for end-of-day comfort.
This work demonstrated very similar MCID values across subjective responses and study designs, in a population of habitual soft CL wearers. In all cases, MCID values were on average seven units on a 0 to 100 VAS.
Translational Relevance:
This work provides MCID values which are important for interpreting ocular subjective responses and planning clinical studies.
A retrospective analysis was conducted on seven one-week, dispensing clinical crossover studies conducted at The University of Manchester between 2013 and 2019. These studies met the following inclusion criteria: bilateral crossover design, use of 0–100 VAS ratings scales for ocular subjective responses, use of 5-Likert preference rating scale for the same subjective domains and commissioned and funded by CooperVision Inc. Five of these studies were randomized whereas two were nonrandomized studies. For each study, ethical approval was granted from the University Research Ethics Committee of The University of Manchester prior to participant recruitment. The studies conformed to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and all participants provided written informed consent prior to enrolment. All participants had successfully worn soft contact lenses within the last six months and met the inclusion and exclusion criteria outlined in
Table 1.
Table 1. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Table 1. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
As part of these bilateral studies, participants wore two different contact lenses for one week each in a “matched pair” manner (i.e., the lens in the right eye was the same lens type as the lens in the left eye). The contact lenses investigated were commercially available spherical, daily disposable soft contact lenses, including hydrogel and silicone hydrogel materials, with a range of powers of −0.25 D to −7.50 D. The contact lens foils were overlabeled so that participants remained masked to the identity of the study lenses. Each participant was required to wear the study lenses for a minimum of eight hours per day, five days per week, and to return for the one-week follow-up visit wearing the study lenses for at least two hours.
At the one-week follow-up visit, after having worn the lenses for at least two hours, participants were asked to rate comfort, dryness, vision, ease of insertion and/or ease of removal using 0–100 VAS with descriptors at 20-point intervals (
Fig. 2 and
Supplementary Figures). At the end of the second and final one-week follow-up visit, participants were asked to indicate their contact lens preference separately for comfort, dryness, vision and handling using a five-point preference scale, comprising strong or slight preference for either of the two lenses worn, or no preference. Data from these studies were pooled for the MCID estimation.
This work has demonstrated remarkably similar MCID values across a range of subjective variables; MCID values were on average seven units on a 0–100 VAS, essentially the same as the values of “7 to 8 units” cited by Papas and colleagues.
5 No standardized methodology for determining MCID has been established, and thus multiple calculation techniques have been proposed in the literature. By definition, different MCID calculation approaches are likely to produce a variety of MCID values. The four MCID calculation methods used in this work resulted in a relatively small range of values. The largest MCID values were consistently derived from the “mean difference” approach, whereas the calculation method generating the smallest MCID value varied across the range of subjective variables. The study findings support the use of seven units as the MCID for subjective measures of comfort, vision, dryness, and ease of insertion on 0–100 scales. The observation that the values are near-identical despite the range of subjective experiences might indicate that this range could also be used for other contact lens-related (and, indeed, other ocular or general) measures of subjective experience.
Papas and colleagues
5 estimated the JND for comfort ratings in subjects wearing an identical pair of contact lenses. Given that different contact lenses were worn in the present contralateral studies, a larger difference than the JND might have been expected. Instead, the MCID values calculated were very similar. The range of MCID values was very narrow for the contralateral studies, indeed narrower than that observed in the bilateral studies. The comparison of the MCID results between contralateral and bilateral studies in this study is limited by the fact that the VAS differed in design. Bilateral studies used a vertical scale with written descriptors at 20-point intervals whilst contralateral studies used a horizontal scale with written descriptors at 0 and 100. In addition, overall comfort was collected in the bilateral studies whereas insertion/end-of-day comfort was measured in the contralateral studies. Although it is generally suggested that MCID values only applied to the specific VAS used
13 the results of the present work appear to challenge this claim. Rating scales of similar range (i.e., 0 to 100) but of different design produced very similar MCID values and suggest that small differences in this type of scale and study designs does not seem to significantly affect the MCID estimate of subjective contact lens-related comfort responses. The remarkably similar MCID obtained in this work despite the variety of subjective responses, rating scale designs and study designs could also reflect the limit of human discrimination ability.
Anchor-based approaches for estimating the MCID require a significant correlation between the external anchor and the outcome of interest, with a recommended correlation coefficient of 0.3 or greater.
15 The moderate correlation observed between the difference in VAS score and the preference rating scale suggests the validity of the anchor for MCID estimation.
15 Although generally good association was observed between these two outcomes, some values appeared to deviate, with some participants being classified as “hypo-raters,” “hyper-raters,” and “contradictory raters.” These phenomena may simply indicate the measurement error of the outcomes (e.g., the difficulty of accurately expressing human experiences on numeric scales, random error, etc.). It is also possible that a recall bias may have affected the responses of the preference rating scale in the bilateral studies. Participants rated their lens preference at the final follow-up, after two weeks of lens wear (i.e., one week on each lens type) and then needed to recall their experience with the first lens to compare it with the second lens to make a judgment of the extent of the difference between lenses and state their preference accordingly. It is possible that the ability of the participant to retain this memory, as well as the influence of the current status may have affected their responses. This seems to be supported by the fact that these phenomena, particularly the “hyper-rating,” were less frequently observed in the contralateral studies, where participants were able to make a direct real-time comparison of contact lenses.
Unfortunately, no repeated measures were captured in these studies, making it challenging to determine whether these phenomena were just random or consistent among participants. Nevertheless, it was observed that the majority of these participants exhibited one or more of these abnormal behaviors occasionally but never consistently across all symptoms evaluated. Excluding these phenomena from the analysis, which involves omitting non-zero values in the “no preference” category and zero values in the “slight preference” category, unsurprisingly leads to larger MCID values. However, excluding these phenomena from the estimation of the MCID is hard to justify, because these data points represent genuine responses from participants and are therefore included in the estimation of MCID values.
For lens handling, two VAS scales had been used in these studies, termed “ease of insertion” and “ease of removal,” whereas the item assessed by the preference-rating scale was simply termed “handling.” Although ease of insertion VAS data showed acceptable correlation with the handling preference scale, this was not the case for ease of removal, which did not reach the pre-established threshold, and therefore the MCID estimation was not possible for this domain. This finding could suggest that lens preference in terms of overall handling is more influenced by the ease of lens insertion than the ease of lens removal. Further research could explore which aspects of lens handling drive a preference for a contact lens, as well as attempting to determine the MCID for ease of lens removal by using a preference scale specifically for this item. This information would be particularly useful in new wearers as handling has been reported to be a key reason for discontinuing contact lens wear in the early weeks.
It is feasible that MCID may vary across the range of the VAS scale.
22 The contact lenses investigated in this study were all commercially available products, which generally performed well, with scores more commonly observed in the upper half of the scale. Consequently, further exploration of this hypothesis was not possible. The contact lenses used in this study were all spherical soft contact lenses representative of those worn in the real world. The influence of lens characteristics such as toric or multifocal designs on the MCID should be explored in future investigations.
The study population consisted of successful CL wearers, most of whom were female and aged under 40 years; therefore the results of this work are applicable to this specific demographic, which is representative of typical contact lens wearers. This relatively unbalanced cohort in terms of age and sex limits the ability of this study to reliably determine the influence of these demographics on MCID values. Future research is needed to ascertain whether MCID values vary with individual demographic factors such as age, sex, or ethnicity. Additionally, since MCID can vary across clinical contexts, future studies should be conducted to determine if MCID values differ among specific populations, such as symptomatic contact lens wearers, new wearers/neophytes or children. Until further evidence is provided, the use of seven units on a 0–100 rating scale seems reasonable.
MCID values can also be used as the
equivalence or
non-inferiority margin when planning clinical studies. An important consideration is that the sample size required for clinical studies depends directly on the size of the
equivalence/non-inferiority margin. As a general rule, the smaller the margin, the larger the sample size required for
equivalence and
non-inferiority testing.
23,24 The sample size required also depends in part on the anticipated difference in score between the contact lenses investigated. In general, the closer the anticipated difference is to the
equivalence/non-inferiority margin, the larger the sample size required to claim
equivalence or
non-inferiority. The sample size required for
non-inferiority is generally slightly smaller than that required for
23,24 If information about the expected relative performance of two contact lenses is known, it can be used to provide for a more accurate power assessment. If nothing is known about the likely relative performance of two products (e.g., an existing contact lens vs. a very new contact lens), anticipating a difference of zero would seem appropriate.
There is no standard methodology for estimating MCID, and several approaches have been described in the literature. The methodology used in the present study aligns with recommendations from previous publications.
15,25 One strength of this approach is the selected anchor—the preference rating scale—which relies on the participants’ perspective, reflects a small but important difference, is easily understandable, and shows a moderate correlation with the PROMs (i.e., VAS). Both the anchor and PROMs measure the same or closely related constructs under a relatively short recall period—two weeks for the bilateral studies and six hours for the contralateral studies. Considering that MCID is dependent on a range of factors, a combination of distribution-based and anchor-based MCID estimates was used, as well as analytical methods to account for this diversity, using triangulation to converge into a single or small range of MCID values.
However, there are certain limitations in this retrospective work, which is somewhat restricted by the available data. Although the use of multiple anchors has been recommended, only a single anchor—the preference rating scale—was used for the estimation of the MCID. Additionally, the assessment of lens preference was undertaken on a single occasion, so intraperson consistency could not be determined. Future research should explore the validity of these findings under different contexts such as varying participant and lens characteristics, as well as using multiple anchors for MCID estimation.
This work has demonstrated very similar MCID values, seven units on a 0–100 VAS, across a range of ocular, contact lens–related subjective responses including comfort, dryness, vision, and ease of insertion, in a population of habitual soft contact lens wearers, most of whom were female and aged under 40 years. Very similar MCID values were also obtained for ratings of comfort for both bilateral and contralateral study designs. This information may help in the design and statistical analysis of clinical studies, as well as in the interpretation of these subjective responses.
The authors are grateful to the participants who took part in the studies. The authors also acknowledge the assistance of clinical, logistical and administrative colleagues in the acquisition of data for these studies.
Funded by CooperVision Inc.
Disclosure: M. Navascues-Cornago, None; S. Guthrie, None; P.B. Morgan, None; J. Woods, None