Optic disc photography (ODP), scanning laser polarimetry, confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, optical coherence tomography (OCT), and other techniques have been used for the evaluation of structural changes in glaucoma.
5,6 Compared with other imaging modalities, ODPs are relatively low-cost, easy to acquire, and widely accessible, and they have stable, standard platforms.
6–8 They have been collected for decades without essential changes in technology that might otherwise make them noncomparable over time. However, the interpretation of ODPs is subjective, and poor agreement among examiners and low reproducibility have been reported as major disadvantages.
6,9 ODPs would benefit from more standardized metrics for interpreting the extent of glaucomatous structural damage. Several such metrics have been used with some success. The most common, cup-to-disc ratio (CDR), is a traditional parameter for the detection of glaucoma and is a predictor of glaucoma progression.
10–12 However, CDR has significant limitations; CDR does not account for optic disc size; a small cup in a small optic disc can be associated with advanced glaucomatous damage, while a large cup in a large optic disc can be entirely normal. Therefore, CDR is less reliable for evaluating small or large optic discs.
13 Additionally, CDR is insensitive to focal disc rim changes.
14–16 For this reason, the disc damage likelihood scale (DDLS) was developed by Spaeth to minimize the issues of rim configuration and disc size,
17,18 although it may not be sensitive to small (intraclass) changes, and grading is subjective.
19 The rim to disc area ratio (RADAR) is a metric representing the entire rim area and as such can partly compensate for the limitations of CDR and DDLS but again may not be sensitive to small but significant focal areas of rim loss.