Data were analyzed using R/RStudio (version 2022.07.2; RStudio Team, PBC, Boston, MA, USA) and MATLAB (version 2022a; The MathWorks Inc., Natick, Massachusetts, USA). Visual acuity results are presented as mean and standard deviation. Data for axial length and choroidal thickness are reported as median ± interquartile range (IQR) since normal distribution was refuted by the Lilliefors test. Subsequently, data underwent outlier detection by removing data points located beyond 1.5 IQRs from the median. Statistical analysis was then conducted using a linear mixed model and the post hoc test of estimated marginal means. The analyzed model is defined by either central or peripheral choroidal thickness, central axial length or central visual acuity as the dependent variable, participants as a random effect, and two fixed effects: condition (five levels: control, medium peripheral scattering, high peripheral scattering, medium full-field scattering, and high full-field scattering) and time (two levels: pre– and post–lens wear). The choroidal thickness evaluation included the analysis of chorioretinal locations by eccentricity (two levels: central and peripheral) and quadrant (four levels: nasal, temporal, superior, and inferior). Furthermore, changes in choroidal thickness, axial length, and visual acuity were analyzed by calculating the differences between post– and pre–lens wear values. Subsequently, the linear mixed model was specified by the mentioned change (dependent variable), participants (random effect), and the experimental lens condition (fixed effect).