Different approaches have been adopted in the recent past to investigate peripheral retinal alterations with myopia development. These approaches include longitudinal and cross-sectional cohort studies, model eye simulations, animal trials, and retinal contour mapping using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography scanning, and ocular coherence tomography (OCT).
23,24 Classical twin studies are a useful tool to analyze the genetic and environmental influences on a phenotypic trait.
25–27 The extent of genetic and environmental variance of a phenotype can be estimated by comparing the resemblance of the trait in monozygotic (MZ) or identical twins with the concordance of the same trait in dizygotic (DZ) or nonidentical twins.
25 A greater similarity between MZ twins compared to DZ twins can be attributed to the additional gene sharing, whereas a high correlation between DZ twins may indicate an important shared environmental effect. Several studies have estimated the heritability (i.e., the proportion of phenotypic variance caused by genetic factors) of refractive error at the fovea, with ample variability across different young and old populations.
28–37 Dirani et al.
35 showed a heritability of 88% in men and 75% in women from an Australian population across a wide age range of 18 to 88. Hammond et al.
34 found a heritability of 84% in a sample aged 49 to 79 of British population. A similar study in a Danish sample (age range 20–45 years) also revealed high refractive error heritability of 90%.
31 However, others have found lower heritability estimates, especially for younger samples with larger myopia prevalence. A comprehensive table of all relevant studies from 1962 has been provided in our previous work.
38 These discrepancies in heritability estimates could be accounted for, in part, by the environmental changes taking place over the last two decades, which may be responsible for the drastic change in myopia prevalence during that period. Numerous environmental exposures such as excess near work,
39–41 increased indoor activity,
42 increased level of education
39,43,44 and massive urbanization
45,46 showed a high correlation with the incidence of myopia. On the contrary, increased outdoor activity seems to be delaying the onset of myopia development during childhood.
47 Such changes could have induced higher environmental variability in myopia development, which would result in decreased heritability. Supporting this interpretation, the heritability of objective refraction in the sample used for the present study was considerably lower compared to a middle-aged twin population from the same geographical origin.
38 Analyzing younger samples of people born in the first decade of the current century could help shed light on this question. Moreover, most previous heritability studies were restricted to estimating the variance of on-axis refraction, showing a general trend of substantial heritability, although there is a scarcity of studies exploring the genetic and environmental influences on peripheral refraction. Sample characteristics such as age, years of schooling, and geographical area, combined with the modern lifestyle, may explain these inconsistencies. All previous twin studies have been performed only in the foveal refraction among children, middle-aged, or mixed-twin populations,
34–36,48 except for a study conducted in Chinese children.
49,50 In this twin study, central and peripheral refraction were measured in a group of healthy young adult twin subjects. The primary purpose was to determine to what extent the variance of central and peripheral refraction measurements could be attributable to genetic and environmental influences to increase our knowledge about the etiological architecture of refraction variability.