Fifty individuals completed the PREM questionnaire at a mean age of 31.1 ± 11 years old (median 29.5). Forty-two (84%) were male; six (12%) were Asian, and 44 (88%) were white. Thirty (60%) had RPGR-related retinal dystrophy, nine (18%) had ABCA4-Stargardt disease, five (10%) had KCNV2-related retinal dystrophy, three (6%) had RDH12-related retinal dystrophy, two (4%) had Achromatopsia, and one (2%) had Usher syndrome. Individuals were diagnosed at a mean age of 14 ± 9.7 years old (median = 12.5). Thirty-two (44%) were working full time, nine (18%) were students, four (8%) were working part time, four (8%) were unemployed, and one (2%) was retired. Twenty (40%) had a graduate degree, 12 (24%) had completed up to GCSE, seven (14%) had postgraduate degrees, six (12%) up to A levels, and five (10%) had some university education. Thirty-three (66%) lived with friends or family, 11 (22%) lived alone, and six (12%) lived with their spouse. For six (12%) individuals, the travel back and forth from their home to MEH took less than one hour, for 10 (20%) between one and two hours, for 14 (28%) between two and four, and for 20 (40%) more than four hours. Twenty-three (46%) people were invited to the natural history study by the research team, 20 (40%) by their routine care doctor, four (8%) heard about it from a friend or family member, three (6%) actively looked for research opportunities, two (4%) saw it on a website, and two (4%) heard it from patient associations.