The key role of the choroid in CSC disease has already been universally assessed. Spaide et al.,
8 by investigating contributing factors in CSC pathophysiology, identified the presence of venous outflow abnormalities in eyes suffering from CSC, with similar traits encountered in eyes affected by pachychoroid syndrome, thus reinforcing the concept of including CSC in the category above. Although different factors have already been identified in the pathogenesis of the disease, including the central role of endogenous or exogenous corticosteroids, abnormal venous outflow from the choroid has thus been appointed as a unique underlying phenomenon explaining the dysregulation occurring in affected eyes, according to previous authors.
9 Choroidal hyperpermeability has been appointed as a central factor in disease development in previous years.
6,8 The condition is easily detectable by ICG leakage, which has led to the development of treatments directed to hyperpermeability areas, such as PDT.
13 Previous authors have tried to explain venous overload with different theories. Prünte et al.
7 in 1995 proposed choroidal congestion caused by delayed filling of choroidal vessels, followed by capillary or venous congestion and leakage. Later, Hiroe et al.
22 and Kishi et al.
23 proposed that CSC disease is characterized by vortex vein congestion developing in eyes with asymmetric vortex veins. Recently, an interesting “multi-hit theory” has been proposed by Cheung et al.
24 identifying a sequence of events that may be responsible for CSC development. In their theory, the mechanism underlying CSC comprises a sequence of events in which in case of (1) anatomical predisposition, the occurrence of an inciting event may result (2) in venous overload, which triggers compensatory attempts (3) that may cause (4) saturation, decompensation, and vicious cycle, and finally lead to (5) visual impairment. In the author's theory, the progression through stages relies on different factors, including an appropriate compensatory mechanism to venous overloading.
24 Undoubtedly, it must be acknowledged that both choroid and choriocapillaris play a central role in disease pathogenesis. The occurrence of vascular changes in eyes affected by CSC has already been recently analyzed by Kuroda et al.,
25 who reported the microvasculature of the inner choroid at the large choroidal vessels to be larger in eyes with CSC when compared to age-matched normal eyes. After this finding, Ma et al.,
26 in their research article, evaluated changes in choroidal vascularity after half fluence PDT in patients with CSC by finding that choriocapillaris had the earliest decrease in the vascular proportion of en face images on swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) analysis. In contrast, Sattler's and Haller's layers showed later decreases, explaining this temporal difference due to the CSC pathophysiological mechanism and HF-PDT therapeutical effect. Indeed, recent findings have permitted the inclusion of CSC in the pachychoroid spectrum disease. A recent article by Meng et al.
27 analyzed widefield OCT angiography assessment of choroidal thickness and choriocapillaris in eyes affected by CSC and found CSC to be bilateral disease characterized by asymmetrical manifestations. Moreover, the authors observed local factors in the affected eyes to have a key role in CSC development in the dynamic and regional changes that arise in choriocapillaris, thus proposing widefield OCTA as a useful tool to study CSC pathogenesis. Consistent with these results, Chan et al.
28 revealed greater choriocapillaris width in eyes affected by CSC compared to healthy fellow eyes. In a recent paper, Viggiano et al.
16 performed a topographical analysis of the choriocapillaris reperfusion after loading anti-VEGF therapy in neovascular AMD by analyzing the percentage of the choriocapillaris (CC), flow deficit percentage (FD%), FD average area (FDa), and FD number in five progressive concentric rings surrounding the dark halo the MNV finding CC flow deficits to be greater around the associated dark halo before treatment, followed by a progressive recovery in CC flow after intravitreal therapy. In the present study, it was our interest to analyze whether the occurrence of vascular changes in choroid and choriocapillaris in a setting of vascular impairment because of the underlying CSC was different in two concentric areas surrounding the foveal area in eyes affected by active naïve CSC with the presence of foveal subretinal fluid by means oct swept-source OCTa in both choroidal and choriocapillaris slabs. Moreover, we aimed to assess whether the occurring changes also involved healthy fellow eyes. Interestingly, choriocapillaris flow appeared to be significantly lower in the first ring surrounding the foveal area in diseased eyes compared to healthy fellow eyes and between diseased eyes and healthy controls. Besides, in the second ring analysis, distancing from the foveal area, only the comparison between diseased and healthy eyes showed significance with lower flow in affected eyes than in healthy eyes. Previous studies have demonstrated that alterations in choriocapillaris flow patterns may be possible in both eyes of CSC patients, which can be interpreted as an index of focal choriocapillaris ischemia.
29,30 Yun et al.,
31 in their article investigating the characteristics of choriocapillaris flow in fellow eyes of patients with central serous chorioretinopathy, found the underlining choroidal vessels to affect choriocapillaris perfusion in pachychoroid eyes, resulting in significant choriocapillaris hypoperfusion. Interestingly, the presence of areas of detectable choriocapillaris flow surrounded by an area of undetectable or diminished flow in patients diagnosed for active CSCR was reported by Estawro and colleagues,
32 thus defining the presence of “choriocapillaris island.” In our study, no choriocapillaris islands were evidenced within the first ring area, despite the presence of lower choriocapillaris flow value when compared to the second external ring area. However, the presence of defined topographical differences in choriocapillaris flow highlights the necessity of better characterizing occurring changes, with future studies aimed at focusing on vascular changes occurring within the area of neurosensory detachment. Nevertheless, it must be considered that in our analysis, choriocapillaris flow was affected in the first ring closer to the foveal area in both comparisons with healthy patients and fellow eyes. Besides, the flow was affected only in the second ring compared to healthy patients. This finding can be explained as a greater flow depletion occurring in affected eyes than in fellow eyes, thus meaning that although pachychoroid healthy eyes may present choriocapillaris flow irregularities, CSC eyes are affected by deeper flow changes. Nevertheless, it must be assessed that evaluating flow changes in conditions with overlying fluid may be difficult due to the occurrence of signal interference. The choice of using a full-spectrum swept-source OCT aims at reducing this possible bias, because of its ability in representing CC signals despite the presence or absence of fluid as previously demonstrated.
33 However, although reduced by the methodology applied, the issue must be considered, thus representing a limitation in our study. Previous studies have reported that eyes with CSC are affected by choroidal blood flow alterations.
34–36 Similarly, in our article, the choroidal flow analysis showed reduced flow values in affected eyes compared to healthy fellow eyes in both the first and second rings. On the contrary, the comparison with healthy fellow eyes did not show significance. It has been demonstrated that eyes affected by pachychoroid spectrum disease report the presence of dilated choroidal vessels with increased choroidal thickness and thinning of both choriocapillaris and inner choroid. The so-called “pachyvessels” have been found to have a key role in affecting the overlying RPE, having a mechanical effect on the RPE-Bruch membrane.
15,37,38 Hwang et al.
39 in their article found choriocapillaris flow on OCT angiography to be reduced in acute CSC eyes, finding the dysregulated choroidal flow to affect the choriocapillaris flow. Undoubtedly, choroid appears to be dysregulated in CSC eyes. This blood flow dysregulation appears to be a causative factor in increased choroidal thickness, which has been demonstrated to be reversible in treated eyes, as demonstrated by our group in a previous article, where changes in choroidal structural and functional parameters were found in eyes treated by oral eplerenone using CVI reduction.
12,39 In our analysis, CVI appeared to be higher in affected eyes than healthy eyes, thus enhancing the role of CVI as representative of vascular dysregulation occurring in CSC eyes. Moreover, CVI was found to be altered in fellow eyes compared to healthy patients, thus confirming the pachychoroid nature of the disease, which frequently presents bilaterally.
40 Similarly, CCT was higher in diseased eyes compared to healthy patients, thus enhancing the agreement of structural and vascular parameters representing the choroid. In conclusion, choroidal and choriocapillaris flow abnormalities occur in both eyes affected by CSC and fellow eyes; however, they have different trends depending on the study area and the underlying condition. These results reinforce the role of choroid and choriocapillaris in disease pathogenesis, proposing new parameters to deepen inside vascular changes occurring in CSC eyes. However, future studies should be conducted to study variation in choroidal and choriocapillaris flow in pachychoroid diseases, to reinforce the role of functional and structural parameters for disease evaluation, response to treatment, and course assessment.