The data from a representative participant are depicted in
Figure 1. Here the VA estimation from VEPs (i.e., VA
VEP) and P300-ERPs (i.e., VA
P300_raw) are juxtaposed for the fellow and amblyopic eye (for raw VEP traces see
Supplementary Fig. S1). The VA
VEP estimates (
Fig. 1A) were derived according to Bach et al.
15 (i.e., with a conversion parameter that determines the VA
VEP from the spatial frequency limit of the VEP responses). It demonstrates the previously reported overestimation of VA
VEP5 for the amblyopic eye (0.08 vs. 0.53 logMAR). In contrast, the match is much closer for the fellow eye (i.e., 0.22 logMAR [0.04 vs. −0.18 logMAR]). Taken together, although VA
psych differs considerably between fellow and amblyopic eye, VA
VEP are similar between both eyes. The VA
P300_raw estimates were derived from the gap-size tuning of the P300 amplitude as detailed in Methods. VA
P300_raw is clearly worse for the amblyopic than for the fellow eye (0.74 ± 0.03 [CI] vs. 0.00 ± 0.05 log MAR), which is in general agreement with the intraocular VA
psych difference (0.53 vs. −0.18 logMAR). It is also evident that, for both eyes, VA
P300_raw and VA
psych differ by at least 0.2 logMAR. This is expected as, in contrast to the above VA
VEP, an appropriate conversion parameter has not been applied to convert VA
P300_raw to VA
P300_conv. As described below for the group analysis and in Methods, we determined the conversion parameter from the fellow eyes to obtain VA
P300_mConv for the amblyopic eye.