Optical coherence tomography (OCT) allows for contactless, rapid, high-resolution, volumetric imaging of ocular tissue. The first application of OCT for in vivo imaging of the healthy human limbus was reported in 2011.
46 The OCT images from that study showed the termination of Bowman's membrane, peripheral corneal nerves, limbal microvasculature, POVs, limbal crypts, and the Schlemm's canal. However, fine morphological details such as the shape of the POVs and the cellular structure of the limbal crypts were not resolved due to the limited axial and lateral resolution (3 µm and 18 µm, respectively). The same year, Li et al.
47 published in vivo images of the heathy human limbal vasculature that were acquired using a 1300-nm OCT system and optical microangiography imaging protocol. In 2012, an ex vivo comparative study conducted on healthy limbal tissue with clinical confocal microscopy and a research-grade OCT system generated surface maps of the POVs from the OCT images.
48 However, the cellular structure of the limbal tissue was not resolved due to the low OCT resolution (3.5 µm axial and ∼20 µm lateral). In 2015, a full-field OCT system with ∼1-µm isotropic resolution was used to image the limbal cellular structure, identify LSCs with the aid of fluorescence markers, and determine the size of the limbal crypts ex vivo in animal and human limbal tissue.
49 During the period from 2017 to 2021, a number of research groups
50–54 utilized commercial spectral-domain OCT (SD-OCT) systems (e.g., RTVue XR Avanti, RTVue RT-100-2) to image the healthy and pathological human limbus, including cases of LSCD. OCT images in these reports showed gross anatomy of the human limbus but failed to visualize fine morphological details, including the cellular structure of the limbal crypts due to the limited spatial resolution (>5 µm axial and >15 µm lateral) and low image acquisition rate (<50 kHz) of the commercial OCT devices. In 2017, our research group developed a high-resolution SD-OCT system (0.95 µm axial and ∼2 µm lateral), and reported the first, to our knowledge, in vivo, non-contact OCT images of the healthy limbus that showed the cellular structure of the limbal crypts, detailed shape of the POVs, and microvasculature of the underlying fibrous tissue.
55 However, due to the slow image acquisition rate (34 kHz), volumetric images of the limbus acquired with this OCT system were compromised by significant eye motion artifacts. In 2022, our research group developed line-scan SD-OCT (LS-SD-OCT) technology and demonstrated its ability to generate in vivo volumetric images of the healthy human cornea and limbus that showed the cellular structure of these tissues in three dimensions.
56 Although the LS-SD-OCT technology offers the advantages of rapid image acquisition, efficient suppression of eye motion artifacts, and clear images of the cellular structure of the limbal crypts, currently the clinical adoption of this technology is impeded by the large footprint of the system; by the complexity of its free-space design, which requires realignment by engineering personnel before each imaging session; and by the very high cost compared to point-scanning, fiber based SD-OCT technology. In this study, we utilized a compact, clinically viable, point-scanning SD-OCT technology with an improved image acquisition rate (250 kHz), developed by our research group, to acquire volumetric images of the healthy and pathological human limbus in vivo with ∼1.5-µm isotropic spatial resolution.