As seen in
Figure 6, the M-TONX deviation exhibits a uniform distribution over a broad span of CCT without a noticeable bias for the thick corneas, unlike the iCare tonometer in which corneal thickness considerably affects the IOP measurement. Discrepancy between the iCare and the GAT in IOPs ≥ 21 mm Hg was also reported by Pakrou et al.
22 This point was addressed in a different study by Gao et al. performed on 336 patients.
23 The patients of that study were divided into 3 groups according to their GAT-measured IOPs: group A = 7 to 15 mm Hg, group B = 16 to 22 mm Hg, and group C = 23 to 50 mm Hg. The 95% confidence interval of the deviation from the GAT measurements was estimated to be −5.80 to 6.24 mm Hg.
23 The iCare measurements were significantly lower (−1.66 ± 3.87 mm Hg) than the GAT ones, for IOP ≥ 23 mm Hg. This is an alarming finding pinpointing likelihood of misdiagnosing glaucoma patients. In group A and B cases, this difference was smaller than in the group C (−0.12 ± 2.77 and 0.04 ± 2.86 mm Hg, respectively). Both the iCare (
r = 0.390,
P = 0.001) and the GAT (
r = 0.191,
P = 0.001) showed positive correlation with CCT.
23 However, the correlation was not significant in the patients with high IOP, and the iCare readings were further influenced by CCT than the readings from the GAT.
23 Accuracy of the iCare ic100 was explored by Subramaniam et al. over a large group of 1000 eyes using the GAT as the reference device.
24 They reported a good correlation between the iCare ic100 and the GAT measurements, with an overall intra class correlations of 0.73, but the iCare ic100 consistently undermeasured the IOP compared to the GAT, with a mean difference of –4.2 mm Hg (standard deviation [SD] = ±4.3). Nevertheless, the intraclass correlation is considerably less than the one calculated for the M-TONX with
ICC_IOP = 0.93 (see the Results section). The mean difference was estimated to range from −1 to −2 mm Hg for IOPs ≤ 12 mm Hg, and from −6 to −7 mm Hg for IOPs ≥ 22 mm Hg.
25 This range never exceeded 2 mm Hg for the M-TONX.