Translational Vision Science & Technology (TVST), an official journal of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), an international organization whose purpose is to advance research worldwide into understanding the visual system and preventing, treating and curing its disorders, is an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal emphasizing multidisciplinary research that bridges the gap between basic research and clinical care. A highly qualified and diverse group of Associate Editors and Editorial Board Members is led by Editor-in-Chief Roy S. Chuck, MD, PhD.
- The conceptualization of translational research has expanded since the inception of Translational Vision Science and Technology (TVST).
- The expanded scope of translational research necessitates that we likewise expand the scope of the journal.
- TVST will publish work that fits into phases T1 through T4 translational research. Some examples are as follows:
- T1: Development and validation of animal models, preclinical drug studies, development of clinically relevant technologies, and phase 1 and 2 clinical studies (“bench to bedside” research).
- T2: Phase 3 clinical trials (including comparative effectiveness trials), phase 4 clinical research, and development of clinical guidelines (“bedside to practice” research).
- T3: Research focused on implementation and dissemination of phase 3 and 4 clinical research results (dissemination and implementation research).
- T4: Research focused on outcomes and effectiveness in populations, including assessment of benefit to communities through public health policies and programs, as well as adoption of proven interventions’ best practices in communities (diffusion research), and cost-benefit analyses.
- This classification scheme is best conceived as a continuum, a natural progression of investigative activity, rather than as a series of clearly defined categories.
- As a result of the change in scope, the number and diversity of publications accepted by the journal is likely to increase compared with past years.
- ARVO's commitment to this expanded scope will enable TVST to better represent the diversity of research that is already represented in platform and poster presentations at the annual ARVO meeting.
- This scope change will enable ARVO to represent the interests of its members and to advance the development and assessment of treatments for blinding diseases worldwide.
*For a more detailed description and discussion, please see Marco Zarbin's editorial at TVST 2020;9(8):22.
TVST seeks manuscripts from scientists and clinicians with diverse backgrounds ranging from basic chemistry to ophthalmic surgery that will advance or change the way we understand and/or treat vision-threatening diseases. TVST encourages the use of color, multimedia, hyperlinks, program code and other digital enhancements. To submit a manuscript to TVST, please click here.
Should I Submit My Paper to IOVS or TVST?
Impact Factor
Impact factor for 2023: 2.6
Ranked #26 of 95 in the category Ophthalmology
2023 Release of Journal Citation Reports; Source: 2023 Web of Science Data
h5-index: 41
The current h5-index is the largest number h such that h articles published in the last 5 years have at least h citations each.
For additional information regarding TVST, contact one of the following:
Editor-in-Chief: Roy S. Chuck, MD, PhD
Senior Director of Journals: Jon Mallett, PhD
Assistant Director, Editorial Operations: Kiyah Morrison
Journals Manager: Debbie Chin
Editorial Coordinator: Dyamond Blackman, MBA
Editorial Office:, +